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Revitalization in the ROSE CITY



BeRLP3YCQAAKkX8 BeRLUCQIcAAiqG6This series of photographs were shared on twitter this past week by local social studies teacher, Kevin Santone via his "Wellandarium" Twitter profile. There is a groundswell of community advocates converging in Welland to collectively lead the process of change needed to bring the bloom back to the rose in Downtown Welland

At a Public Meeting held on Thursday, January 16th, 2014 the City of Welland presented the draft land use, urban design and incentive program recommendations for the Community Improvement Plan for the Downtown and Health and Wellness Cluster. Click the links below to view the Display Boards and the Presentation Slides that were reviewed at the meeting.

Display Boards


Full details are available here on the City of Welland Website: http://www.welland.ca/development/planningreports.asp

As a real estate professional one of the key aspects that is capturing my attention at this point in time are the Incentive Programs that are being proposed and will potentially be available to Downtown investors once the Community Improvement Plan is finalized.

Screen Shot 2014-01-25 at 7.58.15 AMScreen Shot 2014-01-25 at 7.58.27 AMScreen Shot 2014-01-25 at 7.58.33 AMThe City of Welland is requesting Public Input with respect to the following items specifically (general feedback is also welcomed.)

Workshop Questions
1) Do you have any suggested modifications to the Land Use Plan and the Public Realm Improvement Plan?
2) What areas/projects should be highest priority for the public realm improvements?
3) Which incentives programs are the most needed?
Please email your feedback to:
Christine Rossetto, Planning Assistant, City of Welland
or call: 905-735-1700 ext. 2258
Next Steps:
Use input from Public Meeting to finalize Land Use Concept, Public Realm Improvement Plan and Incentive Programs.
Prepare Draft CIP.
Statutory Public Meeting.
Council adoption and approval.
Commence implementation.

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